A nice puzzle by L. Silaev (1983)
White wins. White to move.
Author: L. Silaev (1983)
Labels: 1:0, 5/5 difficulty, puzzle solving
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Labels: 1:0, 5/5 difficulty, puzzle solving
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Labels: 0:1, puzzle solving
Please click on **THIS** link if instructed abovethe position after White's 26th move ->
Major improvements:
* 27.Bd1 (instead of d6) in connection with 28.Ba4 (or Bb3)
* 42.b7+ (instead of Rc1+) 42..Kb8 43.Rb6 is much stronger
Labels: 1:0, 150 mins per game, 2007/08, board 2, game, me as White, Nyíregyháza, Szabolcs county, team, TÓTH Tibor, unrated opponent
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