older pr Hóember Chess Blog: March 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hunting for Mistakes * Stephen vs. Bob

"r4rk1/1p1q1ppp/p3b3/4p3/P2nB3/6R1/1PP1QPPP/2B1R1K1 w - - 0 0"

It is White to move

The game was played in a county team championship, in March, 2010.
After long thinking (20+ minutes), Stephen, a 2200-player, went 1.Bxh7+ and offered a draw, although the opponent was rated hundreds of points lower. (It is not worth it.)
Did Stephen choose the strongest move over-the-board? (If not, why?)

Try and guess the strongest move-sequence for White
(please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hunting for Mistakes * SOLYMOSI, István vs. me

"8/4b1k1/p1p1b1p1/4pp2/2P1P3/1PN2KP1/P3N2r/3R4 b - - 0 31"

After White's last 31..Na4-c3?
it is Black to move

The game was played in an open tournament in Püspökladány, Hungary, on Jun-20, 2008.
I was the second player and found the strongest move-sequence, which won me decisive material.

Try and guess the move that wins the game for Black on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * FM RAT, Dan-Ovidiu vs. me

"1b3k2/pp3p2/2p1pq2/2Pr2r1/1P1P4/4Q1PR/PB2R1K1/8 b - - 0 31"

After White's last 31.Rh4-h3??
it is Black to move

The game was played in the national team championship, on Dec-21, 2008.
I was the second player and missed the move that would have made White resign on the spot, due to excessive lack of sleep.
(Just a remark: I wouldn't like to boast myself here, but even if White had not blundered, Black had a superior position by move 30, almost winning.)

Try and guess the move-sequence that would have won the game for Black on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. FM CHERECHES, Marius

"4r3/p3P1kp/1p4pN/2pR2P1/3p1r2/P3n3/7P/4R1K1 w - - 0 37"

After Black's last 36..Nc4-e3??
it is White to move

The game was played in an open tournament in Nyíregyháza, Hungary, on Jul-11, 2009.
I was the first player and found the winning move. (Neither player was under time pressure, so the blunder came in broad daylight.)

Try and guess the move that wins the game for White on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * VICICKÓ, Zoltán vs. me

"N1b3kr/pp2b1pp/3p1n2/4n3/3QPP2/2N5/PPP3qP/R1B1KR2 b Q f3 0 13"

After White's last 13.f2-f4
it is Black to move

The game was played in an open tournament in Szerencs, Hungary, on Aug-21, 2009.
I was the second player and failed to find the winning move. (which would still have been a part of a known opening trap by Black in the Philidor Defence)

Try and guess the move-sequence that wins the game for Black on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. KÁNYÁDI, Zoltán

"1n4r1/4kp1R/1pB1b1p1/pPp1N1P1/2P2P2/P1K5/8/8 w - - 0 38"

After Black's last 37..Kd6-e7?
it is White to move

The game was played in an open tournament in Nyíregyháza, Hungary, on Jul-1, 2009.
I was the first player and found the winning move. (not necessarily a sacrifice)

Try and guess the move that wins the game for White on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. GYÖNGYÖSI, Péter

"2b2rk1/r4pp1/p1B1pn1p/2pn4/QqN5/4P1B1/PP3PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 22"

After Black's last 21..Qb6-b4??
it is White to move

The game was played in an open tournament in Debrecen, Hungary, on Nov-7, 2008.
I was the first player and managed to find the winning move. (This one, I think, is unique in my chess-history.)

Try and guess the move that wins the game for White on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. BEREK, Géza

"r1b2rk1/1pp3bp/3p1qp1/p1nPp3/1nP1P3/2N1BN1P/PP1QBP2/2KR3R b - - 0 14"

After White's last 14.0-0-0??
it is Black to move

The game was played in an open tournament in Püspökladány, Hungary, on Jun-20, 2008.
I was the first player and unconciously wanted to get over the game as soon as possible... (I could not sleep previous night, so there might be something to that.)

Try and guess the move that wins the game for Black on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hunting for Mistakes * GÁL, Hanna vs. me

"2kr4/p4p2/8/2b4p/3Nb1rP/5PP1/PPPR4/2K1R3 b - - 0 27"

After White's last 27.f2-f3??
it is Black to move

The game was played in the county team championship, on Jan-17, 2010.
I was the second player and in my time trouble I missed to exploit White's blunder and made a weak move. (It was time pressure on my part, while the opponent had plenty of time...)

Try and guess the move-sequence that wins the game for Black. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * FM MENYHÁRT, Tibor vs. me

"6r1/5p2/4pk1p/p2pRP2/2PP1K2/5R2/P4r1P/8 b - - 0 38"

After White's last 38.Re3-f3
it is Black to move

The game was played in the national team championship, on Dec-7, 2009.
I was the second player and failed to find the best move.

Try and guess the move-sequence that wins material for Black. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. KISS, Albert

"5r2/1p6/1Pp1k1b1/p1PpPpp1/P2P2P1/5R2/5K2/1B6 w - - 0 44"

After Black's last 43..h6xg5
it is White to move

The game was played in an open tournament in Berekfürdő, Hungary, on Sep-11, 2009.
I was the first player and did not find the winning plan. (As it turned out later, this was neither the first nor the last opportunity for the victory, thanks to the weak opposition, but I was extremely exhausted that morning, that's why I failed to find the moves, and even lost the game eventually due to a horrible blunder in an equal queens endgame after hours of play...)

Try and guess the strategy that wins the game for White. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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