Hunting for Mistakes * FM MENYHÁRT, Tibor vs. me
"6r1/5p2/4pk1p/p2pRP2/2PP1K2/5R2/P4r1P/8 b - - 0 38"
After White's last 38.Re3-f3
it is Black to move
The game was played in the national team championship, on Dec-7, 2009.
I was the second player and failed to find the best move.
Try and guess the move-sequence that wins material for Black. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)
Labels: 90 mins for 40 moves + 30 mins (w/ 30 secs increment), Debrecen, FM opponent, me as Black, MENYHÁRT Tibor, NB2, puzzle solving, team
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@Mortal Games:
There is now another message in your ChessPub inbox. ||
As for this puzzle, I had the feeling that everything was in place for a big move but with the clock ticking, I chose an innocuous continuation. (And the game was drawn soon.)
Thanks, I saw it a few instants ago and I will think about it and put a reply during the weekend.
Another interesting position... :-)
Mortal Games
Another victory for this Sunday (team champ.), ahtough the opponent wasn't very strong.
@Mortal Games:
I am not expecting a long essay. Or anything at all.
It is a hard task to recommend anything repertoire-related to another chess-player.
Concentrate instead on "the puzzle solving contest." :)
I finally sent you a message. This weekend with the Oscars cerimony I could only sent today. Congratulations for the victory! Your repertoire is interesting and I like it and of course opening sugestions for another player is only sugestions or a trade of ideas because this is a subject that style, results and self believing is more important.
About this puzzle, I can tell that I do not concentrate like I want it and at some point, I started to doubt that it was something wrong with the position or some error on the diagram, because a rook was hanging and I considered the move but after White reply I had not look deep! Then I checked with Fritz :-(
Very good puzzle! Software programs in general, have dificulties with the strategy of rook endings because of the possibilities available but humans in hidden tactics too! I will not put the solution for other players to solve.
-Mortal Games
@Mortal Games:
The position is from the actual game and there is tactics in it (and forced win of material).
I beg you that, please, give your solution here. :)
Yes, there is hidden tactics in the position. 1...Rd2 2.Ke3 (After this move it´s easy to dismiss the variation and not look deep) Rxd4! 3.Kxd4 Rg4+ followed by Kxe5 fantastic! Some weeks ago, I saw Carlsen miss a similar win in a rook ending:
Mortal Games
@Mortal Games:
And thanks for the game-link. :)
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