Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. FM CHERECHES, Marius
"4r3/p3P1kp/1p4pN/2pR2P1/3p1r2/P3n3/7P/4R1K1 w - - 0 37"
After Black's last 36..Nc4-e3??
it is White to move
The game was played in an open tournament in Nyíregyháza, Hungary, on Jul-11, 2009.
I was the first player and found the winning move. (Neither player was under time pressure, so the blunder came in broad daylight.)
Try and guess the move that wins the game for White on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)
Labels: CHERECHES Marius, FM opponent, me as White, Nyíregyháza, Nyírség Open, open tournament, puzzle solving
Yes! Great! The pawn cannot be taken, because of the Rd8-g8 fairy-checkmate. :)
I'm glad to see visitors from Timisoara.
Are you Chereches himself?
While working on an assignment compiling blog links for the blogroll section of this domain (an essential task for the readership and page rank) I browsed through a mountain of information trying to acquaint myself with what makes up the world of chess blogs.the first thing that came to mind after going through all that content was that there is a huge void in the chess blogosphere as opposed to blogs in other industries. If you’re a keen follower and reader of other blogs you will notice that chess blogs fall behind in terms of quality, interesting, and reliable streams of info. Unfortunately, it seems there is a lack of thought leaders or influencer’s propagating themselves and sharing their expertise with whets out there.
You are seriously misguided if you try to make comparisons.
People love chess and so they blog about it. Unfortunately, you scientific approach is not worth a piece of shit here. This is about love of chess, a thing that probably sounds odd to your ears, but I don't envy you for that, not the least bit.
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