simultan (GM Almási vs. Hóember)
the position when White decided to resign ->
[Event "simultaneous display"]
[Site "Debrecen Pláza in Debrecen, Hungary"]
[Date "2008.04.10"]
[White "GM Almási, Zoltán"]
[Black "Bakk, Zoltán"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A25"]
[WhiteElo "2674"]
[BlackElo "2016"]
[PlyCount "54"]
[EventType "simul"]
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 f5 4. Bg2 Nf6 5. d3 Bb4 6. a3 Bxc3+ 7. bxc3 d6 8. Nf3
O-O 9. O-O Qe8 10. Qb3 Kh8 11. Bg5 Qh5 12. Bxf6 Rxf6 13. c5 d5 14. d4 Rh6 15.
h4 e4 16. Ng5 Ne7 17. f3 Rf6 18. fxe4 fxe4 19. c6 bxc6 20. Rxf6 gxf6 21. Qb4
Qe8 22. Nh3 Nf5 23. Rf1 Nxg3 24. Rxf6 Kg7 25. Rf2 e3 26. Rf3 Nxe2+ 27. Kf1 Ba6
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Major improvements:
* to be continued...
It's incredible, but true: today in a 25-board simultaneous display I managed to win against GM Zoltán Almási, a 2674 player, who is currently 47th-ranked in the world and 3rd in Hungary.
O.K., he was far from his best in this simultan game, but he is a top GM nevertheless.
Who does not know him...?
Apart from two games from 12 years ago, today was the 1st time that I had played an OTB game against a grandmaster, and now I am very very very very very HAPPPY. (I was so happy this evening that I could have screamed.)
You can take a look at the scan of the scoresheet. (With the GM's signature on it.)
I heard that I was the only one who managed to win, even though at least three players were 2100+ and I could name a "2200+"-player, too. (the GM's statisctics after all games: +20 =4 -1)
You will soon be able to download a videoclip about the event...
Labels: 0:1, ALMÁSI Zoltán, Debrecen, game, GM opponent, me as Black, simultaneous display
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