older pr Hóember Chess Blog: Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. PETRÓ, János

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. PETRÓ, János

"r6k/6bp/p1qp1np1/2pN4/2Q1PP2/7P/1rPB2P1/R4RK1 w - - 0 25"

After Black's last 24..Rb8xb2??
it is White to move

The game was played in the national team championship, on Feb-28, 2010.
I was the first player and found a winning move.

Try and guess the move-sequences that win the game for White on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)

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At Mon Mar 01, 11:52:00 AM 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The move that appears in seconds when looking at the board is 25.Bc3 with a double attack on the undefended rook and the knight, winning. If 25...Rxc2 Nxf6 the position of the Black king doesn´t help, because any capture on f6 or g7 is always with check. Like Nunn said: Loose pieces, drop off! :-)
-Mortal Games

At Mon Mar 01, 11:59:00 AM 2010, Blogger HóemberChess said...

Great! :) That's exactly what happened in the game.
And what if 1.Bc3 Nxd5?

There is a better first move available for White, which wins even more material. (Between the two moves the difference in evaluation is about 2... according to Rybka.)

At Mon Mar 01, 04:44:00 PM 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.Bc3 Nxd5 2.Bxb2 (2...exd5 is possible too) Bxb2 (2...Ne3? 3.Bxg7+ followed by Qc3+) 3.exd5 gaining a tempo on the Queen and saving the rook on a1.
In the morning I was a bit in a hurry because I received on mail "Wojo´s Weapons" a book that I want to study for my repertoire. :-)
I do not have Rybka on my pc but I want to buy it soon. What is the best version? 3 or Aquarium? I saw one version called Rybka Dynamic very cheap on the web, is this good?
I guess the move is 1.Nxf6 Bxf6 (on this square the Bishop is undefended!)2.Bc3! (if 2...d5 3.Qxd5 Qxd5 and White can give an intermediate check by Bxf6+). Rybka teaches us a lesson that: If we saw a good move or a winning move, it is always good to search for a better one! Simply looking at all captures in a position had discovered the best way to move.
-Mortal Games

At Wed Mar 03, 06:34:00 PM 2010, Blogger HóemberChess said...

Congratulations! You found the right moves again. (2.Bc3! d5 3.Qxd5 wins everything)
As for engines, I use Rybka v3 and I am satisfied with it, although my processor is old and slow.


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