Hunting for Mistakes * me vs. PETRÓ, János
"r6k/6bp/p1qp1np1/2pN4/2Q1PP2/7P/1rPB2P1/R4RK1 w - - 0 25"
After Black's last 24..Rb8xb2??
it is White to move
The game was played in the national team championship, on Feb-28, 2010.
I was the first player and found a winning move.
Try and guess the move-sequences that win the game for White on the spot. (please write your solution as a comment to this entry)
Labels: 90 mins for 40 moves + 30 mins (w/ 30 secs increment), board 4, me as White, NB2, Nyíregyháza, puzzle solving, team
The move that appears in seconds when looking at the board is 25.Bc3 with a double attack on the undefended rook and the knight, winning. If 25...Rxc2 Nxf6 the position of the Black king doesn´t help, because any capture on f6 or g7 is always with check. Like Nunn said: Loose pieces, drop off! :-)
-Mortal Games
Great! :) That's exactly what happened in the game.
And what if 1.Bc3 Nxd5?
There is a better first move available for White, which wins even more material. (Between the two moves the difference in evaluation is about 2... according to Rybka.)
1.Bc3 Nxd5 2.Bxb2 (2...exd5 is possible too) Bxb2 (2...Ne3? 3.Bxg7+ followed by Qc3+) 3.exd5 gaining a tempo on the Queen and saving the rook on a1.
In the morning I was a bit in a hurry because I received on mail "Wojo´s Weapons" a book that I want to study for my repertoire. :-)
I do not have Rybka on my pc but I want to buy it soon. What is the best version? 3 or Aquarium? I saw one version called Rybka Dynamic very cheap on the web, is this good?
I guess the move is 1.Nxf6 Bxf6 (on this square the Bishop is undefended!)2.Bc3! (if 2...d5 3.Qxd5 Qxd5 and White can give an intermediate check by Bxf6+). Rybka teaches us a lesson that: If we saw a good move or a winning move, it is always good to search for a better one! Simply looking at all captures in a position had discovered the best way to move.
-Mortal Games
Congratulations! You found the right moves again. (2.Bc3! d5 3.Qxd5 wins everything)
As for engines, I use Rybka v3 and I am satisfied with it, although my processor is old and slow.
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