older pr Hóember Chess Blog: October 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

About floaters in the eye

//This entry is still under development. ( Nov 23, 2007 )

This entry is not related to the topic of the blog, chess. But it is so important for me, that I cannot avoid mentioning it.

The thing is, I have been suffering from a severe eye problem since July 2004. It is called vitreous floaters, which are spots and ... floating in the vitreous gel of the eye.

I used to be a programmer--till I could keep ignoring the floaters, but now they almost completely prevent me from working in front of computer screens, and makes daytime very hard to cope with at other times. (For someone who ... It is something like taking waterglasses, placing forever-living bugs in them and sticking the whole thing to your head for goods, without the least hope of getting rid of them. You ara still able to see it anything but you never know when outside objects get ... by objects in your glass. Can you still ... ? Don't forget--your bugs will be there for ever. How do you feel? )
I already had floaters before 2004, but not of the size and darkness that I have been compelled to live with since then.
It is not an exaggeration, in opp... as many say. There are different kinds and sizes of floaters, and I unfortunately have a clue of that difference...

I am in my early-thirties. By my opthamologist, the cause is said to be myopia (i.e. nearsightedness).
Not any improvement in my eyesight has occurred during these 3.5 years. The situation has only worsened.

My goal with this blog-entry is to get in touch with people in similar situations, who are severe floater-cases, from around the world. (via MSN chats, e-mails, ..., anything)
I am considering only laser-treatment, which is not available in my country, but not vitrectomy.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

First Entry -- Introduction

This blog is meant to be exclusively a chess-related blog. I am creating this blog in order to give some idea of myself to chess enthusiasts I encounter at various places on the Internet.
I will place here mostly information about what is going on in my personal chess life, i.e. what tournaments I am playing in, what positions are occurring in my games and so on, but I am planning to include interesting materials from other sources as well.
I also intend to use this blog as a complement to my chess-related website (in Hungarian only), which is under constant construction and is mainly a collection of analyzed games of mine. (A further intention is to improve the pages in many aspects, including multi-language capabilities.)
Of course, I am far from being a top-level player, yet I strive for perfection and love this game very much -- that is why I also deal with it in the form of a chess blog.

With no special place given, I think this is where I should list my favorite players of all time. Here they come: Anatoly Karpov, the Polgár sisters, and I conventionally root for all Hungarians (including Péter Lékó and Zoltán Almási -- to mention only today's greatest players).

While reading the entries, if you come across grammatical mistakes and your English is perfect, please correct me in a comment.

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