older pr Hóember Chess Blog: November 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

Tournament at The End of The Year

I have come across a great-great opportunity to get FIDE rating at last. (As I already mentioned, I simply have not taken part in enough tournaments to have it already.)
It is a tournament in Budapest between December 27 and 30 :
Fürge Futár (in Hungarian)
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Sunday, November 26, 2006

0 that could easily have been 1

This position occurred in the club match today, where Black's pieces were led by a team-mate, Peter (first name).
Black is two pawns up and has an initiative against White's vulnerable king (honestly, if I had been White, I would have resigned here since it is a clear -+), yet after 1..g5 2.fxg6 Rxg6+ 3.Kh3 Rxg2 4.Qxg2 Qg6, where White avoided changing queens, he somehow succeeded in not only losing the initiative but also messing up the position by letting White's queen penetrate on g7 and soon trap the d6 rook (after a check the king moves to b6, then the queen to e7), at which point Black was forced to resign. :-(
According to engine Rybka, 2..hxg6 (text line) is a better choice. (minus five-something)
And if I had been Black I would have deviated from text line on move #3 by choosing f6-f5. (I did not much like the d6 rook playing the role of a pawn.)

This collapse was a typical example of how much the level of alertness can drop in positions where every move seems to be winning. (I will soon show a game of mine where the same happened to me.)


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National Team Champ/Div. 3/Group Barcza (Hazír vs. Bakk)

Today I won again. It was my 9th (nineth) game in a row with Black... (Surprising as it may sound, since 2004 I have been playing in team tournaments only, and since 2000 I have not played a single game for Elo-rating in any individual tournament.)

So, I have won all three of Black games in this season. I must admit that my opponents did not show much resistance, yet I am glad.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hajdú-Bihar County Team Ch. (Kovács, Lajos vs. Bakk)

Today I won again in the county club championship.
It was a blunder at the end that resulted in a 4-move checkmate (remember, my MGPG were on!), nevertheless I was satisfied, because I had been sick for days and did not sleep a single minute the night before the game.

Analyzis can be expected to appear on the website tomorrow.

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Kibitzing in Budapest

Around the middle of the month I spent a few days in Budapest, and during that period I took the opportunity and went to kibitz a club team match between my former club, Tabáni Spartacus of Budapest, and the defending champion, Csuti of Zalaegerszeg. (Of course :), I stayed until the last move in the last game was made.)

The results of Round 1 (Class I/A of National Championship) are as follows:

Aquaprofit Nk 7 - 5 HONVÉD
BEAC-Rufusz 5 - 7 Vasas-Novák-MKB
Statisztika PSC. 3.5 - 8.5 ASE Paks
PMSE Ant.H-MTK 5.5 - 6.5 Edelényi VSE.
Tabáni Spartacus 1 - 11 Csuti Hydrocomp
Makói SVSE. 5.5 - 6.5 Haladás VSE.
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Judit Polgár on a Hungarian team

I just read an article in Hungarian, the English version of which I am going to include soon, that tells about Judit's comeback at local scenes -- she is to play for a Hungarian team in the national championship again, after 15 years of playing abroad.

In Hungarian:
Nagykanizsai csapatban tér vissza Polgár Judit

In English:

Top players of the club:

1. Polgár Judit 2710 GM HUN
2. Kotronias Vasilios 2587 GM GRE
3. Istratescu Andrei 2616 GM ROM
4. Balogh Csaba 2616 GM HUN
5. Lupulescu Constantin 2571 GM ROM
6. Flumbort András 2518 IM HUN
7. Faragó Iván 2522 GM HUN
8. Vajda Levente 2534 GM ROM
9. Lenic Luka 2502 IM SLO
10. Bánusz Tamás 2450 IM HUN

Player list and match schedule of Aquaprofit Nagykanizsa for season 2006/07
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Monday, November 6, 2006

David against Goliat at First Saturday

Below is a game that was played today at a First Saturday Tournament in Budapest. Why am I posting this game? Don't know. Only to show a game btw. strong players.
White is a Russian of 2558 Elo, Black is O.K. :) (OK, Black actually is a Hungarian guy, but I don't know him in person. The source of this material is a Hungarian chess-related mailing list, and the subject of the post was something like "David against Goliat", playing a bit with Black's real name.)

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Saturday, November 4, 2006

MGPG unveil

Now, according to my promise, I will show you my MGPG (Magic Green Playing Glasses), which will hopefully help me achieve even more victories in the future.

Here you are:

You still think these are just common glasses, don't you!? Little do you know!!

Just take a look at this picture! How do you think this thing made this 180 turn around...?

Are you beginning to get it now!?!?!
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Thursday, November 2, 2006

This one was taken on Sunday morning, at a team match between Derecske (my team) and Nagyrábé. (Before this season I chose to play for teams at locations far from my hometown and, beside Lokomotív of Nyíregyháza, which play in Group Barcza of Division 2 of the national championship, this team play in the local championship of my county.) You can spot me at the far end of the row of tables, with my head ascending the highest /*as usual :)*/). You cannot really recognize my Magic Green Playing-Glasses //also referred to as MGPG// ;-), but I am going to show you a picture of it, too.

As you can infer from the photo, this is not the wealthiest team nor does it employ the best players of the countryside (came in last in the previous season -- when I wasn't on it /*so probably that's why ;-)*/), nevertheless these matches, too, provide good opportunities for playing over the board.
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